Is the Future Bilingual?
They say language is the window to culture and this is certainly true for te reo Māori. To decolonise our education system, we need to support the re-indigenisation of our ākonga Māori. This means returning reo, tikanga and mātauranga to their hearts, minds and hands. Learn more about what bilingual spaces look and feel like in this article. Foreword by Janelle Riki-Waaka (Tainui Awhiro, Ngāti Hauiti)
They say language is the window to culture and this is certainly true for te reo Māori. To decolonise our education system, we need to support the re-indigenisation of our ākonga Māori. This means returning reo, tikanga and mātauranga to their hearts, minds and hands. Learn more about what bilingual spaces look and feel like in this article. Foreword by Janelle Riki-Waaka (Tainui Awhiro, Ngāti Hauiti)
They say language is the window to culture and this is certainly true for te reo Māori. To decolonise our education system, we need to support the re-indigenisation of our ākonga Māori. This means returning reo, tikanga and mātauranga to their hearts, minds and hands. Learn more about what bilingual spaces look and feel like in this article. Foreword by Janelle Riki-Waaka (Tainui Awhiro, Ngāti Hauiti)
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