Things Kaiako say about Strengthening our commitment to te Tiriti o Waitangi


This is a great place to go to help kaiako understand what 'Giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi' can look like in our kura. This article from Issue 2 of everyday. includes voices from three educators of Māori heritage across the motu about how they give effect to Te Tiriti in their kura and learning spaces everyday.

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This is a great place to go to help kaiako understand what 'Giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi' can look like in our kura. This article from Issue 2 of everyday. includes voices from three educators of Māori heritage across the motu about how they give effect to Te Tiriti in their kura and learning spaces everyday.

This is a great place to go to help kaiako understand what 'Giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi' can look like in our kura. This article from Issue 2 of everyday. includes voices from three educators of Māori heritage across the motu about how they give effect to Te Tiriti in their kura and learning spaces everyday.

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